Supported Employment
It's about abilities, not disabilities!
We can assist employers to diversify their workforce and support their corporate social responsibility by employing more people with disabilities and building mutually beneficial relationships for both employers and job seekers.
Supported employment provides persons with developmental disabilities equal opportunity to find meaningful and rewarding employment. Our efforts are very client-focused; much consideration is given to both the individual's abilities, strengths and personal interests, as well as the potential employer’s requirements.

Who can apply?
Any adult with a disability is eligible. This can be initiated by the person with the disability or from any agency or advocate. Any employer wishing to hire a person with a disability can also avail of our services.
How can your business benefit from hiring individuals with disabilities ?
In our experience recruiting, training and retaining disabled people is long term investment in your business. Disabled employees are hard working, committed and reliable. Below are three key facts about disabled employees in the workforce:
90% of disabled employees did as well or better at their jobs than their non-disabled co-workers.
86% of disabled employees rated average or better in attendance.
97% of disabled employees rated average or above average in work safety than their non-disabled co-workers
The other benefits to your business include:
Promoting your commitment to diversity.
Developing and supporting your company’s values
Improving performance and retention in high turnover positions
Raising your company profile
What is equality in the workplace?
Equality is the foundation of inclusion and it is important that employers understand that equality does not necessarily mean treating everyone the same, it is about taking into account differences appropriately.
What are the benefits of inclusion, diversity and equality at work?
Diversity in the workplace can have numerous benefits to the employer. Simply put, the greater the mix of people in your business, the greater the mix of skills, experiences, perspectives and ideas you can draw on. But the benefits of diversity and equality cannot be fully achieved without creating an inclusive environment.
How can we help your business?
At Café Bel-Air, we can help you navigate the often complex world of equality legislation and create a workplace that's diverse, inclusive and puts everyone on an equal platform.
Once the job seekers graduate our STEP training program, our team begins the job search and job matching process by approaching suitable potential employers on their behalf. Alternatively, any employer wishing to hire a person with a disability can also avail of our services.
The employer is responsible for paying the wages of the supported employee (either part-time or full-time) and Café Bel-Air can provide, if required, a co-worker to work one-on-one with the supported employee at NO COST to the employer.
The role of the co-worker is to assist the supported employee utilizing skill building techniques to the point where he/she can perform the duties and responsibilities of the job independently. The level of support can eventually be reduced as the supported employee progresses.
How much does it cost to accommodate an employee with disabilities.
Accommodation is the word used to describe the duties of an employer to give equal access to people.
Some examples of accommodation could include:
Building a wheelchair access ramp or widening an entrance door
Flexibility in work hours or break times
Allowing a pregnant employee to attend doctor appointments
A study conducted by the U.S. Job Accommodation Network found that, contrary to popular misconceptions, 59% of people hired required no special accommodation. Of those who did, the typical one-time expenditure by employers was $500.